Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Intervention...and a long day....

I don't know how I feel about the whole enrichment/intervention thing yet. I LOVED my homeroom with the officers and wish that we could still have that. I guess its nice to be able to come to the lab and work on this, but it hasin't been as fun as I thought it would be.
Yesterday could have been one of the longest days of my life. I thought that the Explore test would never end! I kept getting distracted and would run out of time on every section. The day seemed to go by slow at school, and continued to go by slow once I got home. After school I had to go buy fabric for the quilt I am making in clothing. We spent quite a while at the fabric store because I couldn't decide on what to buy. After we had been there for an hour I finally decided and we bought all the supplies. Of course my brother insisted on tagging along and kept bugging my mom about buying binoculars for his "journey" at school. We ended up going to Wal-Mart which was crowded, as usual. We went inside searching for his beloved binoculars and couldn't find them, so we asked for help. We went to the isle and saw that there were only four choices. The cheapest pair were $25, of course my brother gets whatever he wants, so he got them. As we walked out of the crowded Wal-Mart, my brother saw the Halloween costumes out of the corner of his eye. He found his ninja-GI Joe costume, and we finally departed the crowded Wal-Mart! When I got home I went to yw's and when that was over, my mom picked me up and took me to my Nutcracker practice. By the time I got home it was almost 10:00, but since I am in love with glee, I insisted on watching it. I ended up going to bed at around 11:45 which resulted in a very brutal awakening this morning.

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