As an officer, you have the wonderful privilege of leaving class early to go to games. Our volleyball season this year was horrible! We lost every single game, and there were 11 games! All of us were very excited to start fresh and hopefully have a good season. As boys basketball tryouts came, I kind of got nervous because I wanted all of my friends to make it. In the end, all my friends made it. We had our first game on the last day of 1st Term and we completely killed the other team. We beat them 66-18. Since we were so far ahead, the coach took out all the varsity players and played everyone else. It was fun to see everyone play and have fun. Everyone in the crowd was freaking out because we were winning for the first time this year.
Out of the four Jr. High sports, Boys Basketball is probably the best one. I'm not just saying this because I'm a girl, (that's part of it) but it really is the most intense sport to watch. Jr. High boys are really competitive and do not want to loose. They will pretty much do anything to win. You are constantly watching the game because everything happens so fast. Girls Basketball is different, they are slow and don't really touch each other. The boys don't really have a problem touching each other. They push and shove each other until they get the ball.
I'm really excited for this basketball season, and hope we do better than the girls volleyball team!
Sunday, October 31, 2010
1/4 of the year is over!
I can't believe how fast this year has been going by! It seems like just yesterday I was rushing to the bus, late on my first day of school. (Go to my first blog post) Everything has changed so much since the summer ended and school began. I have met so many new people, and made so many new friends. I've been able to study and work harder then ever, in order to get good grades. Last, but not least, I've also been able to support our school as an officer.
Like I said earlier, this week has been a living heck! There were so many projects, tests, and other things to study for, that I couldn't even keep them straight. When that bell rang on Thursday, I felt like 50 pounds had been lifted off my shoulders! I was so relieved and glad that first term had ended. I was a little worried about my grades at first, but everything worked out great in the end. I ended up getting all A's and 1 A-! Even though that is really good, I still wish I had a 4.0. I hope that I will try harder next term and get a 4.0.
The other day my dad was talking to me and my brother about colleges, and was telling us that it would be really cool if one of us got accepted into Harvard, Stanford, Princeton etc. I laughed and said, "Well that's never going to happen!" After that night I really started thinking about college and where I wanted to go. I thought about how cool it would be to go to great school that everyone dreams of going to like Harvard or Stanford. After the little talk I had with my dad that night, I realized how hard I really do need to try if I want to go to a good college. I don't care if I end up going to BYU or Utah, but it is good to have a big goal to work towards. I think that if you don't have a goal your working towards, you don't really have the motivation to work hard. I know that if you work hard, you can accomplish anything!
Like I said earlier, this week has been a living heck! There were so many projects, tests, and other things to study for, that I couldn't even keep them straight. When that bell rang on Thursday, I felt like 50 pounds had been lifted off my shoulders! I was so relieved and glad that first term had ended. I was a little worried about my grades at first, but everything worked out great in the end. I ended up getting all A's and 1 A-! Even though that is really good, I still wish I had a 4.0. I hope that I will try harder next term and get a 4.0.
The other day my dad was talking to me and my brother about colleges, and was telling us that it would be really cool if one of us got accepted into Harvard, Stanford, Princeton etc. I laughed and said, "Well that's never going to happen!" After that night I really started thinking about college and where I wanted to go. I thought about how cool it would be to go to great school that everyone dreams of going to like Harvard or Stanford. After the little talk I had with my dad that night, I realized how hard I really do need to try if I want to go to a good college. I don't care if I end up going to BYU or Utah, but it is good to have a big goal to work towards. I think that if you don't have a goal your working towards, you don't really have the motivation to work hard. I know that if you work hard, you can accomplish anything!
Sunday, October 24, 2010

Halloween is a pretty weird holiday! I mean really, you go around asking people for candy dressed like an idiot. I don't really know what the point of halloween is, but I guess it can be pretty fun sometimes. When I was younger I enjoyed halloween a lot more than I do now. Me and my family would dress up together and be some sort of theme. One year we were the Scooby Doo clan, and another year we were the people off The Lord of the Rings. We had fun buying costumes, wearing wigs, and most of all getting candy. I would try to get as much candy as possible whenever I would head out to go trick or treating. I would usually fill up my pillow case around half full, and it would last me for a LONG time. Our family parties were pretty fun too. We had chili, treats, and would put dry ice in our drink (that was in a cauldron) to make it look like steam was coming out of it. All of our extended family would come over dressed up, and we would have tons of fun!
As the years go by though, life gets harder and it is sometimes to complicated to do everything. Its hard to get together in my family because of the amount of grandchildren we have. There are SO many kids, and they get tired and restless very quickly. Part of the reason is because now that I am older I would rather just go hang out with friends on halloween. This year my family isn't really doing a party, which works out for me because now I can go party with friends! I'm not sure if I'm going to dress up or not because it isn't as fun to do it now. It's funny how when you get older things get less exciting. For example, when you are older you don't really want to dress up or go trick or treating, you know that santa isn't real, so christmas isn't quite as exciting, you know that there isn't an easter bunny, etc. Holidays are still way fun, but they are never going to be the same as they were when we were little kids.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
End of Term!
The end of term is always a crazy time! Term projects, Term tests, and many other things that come from it being the end of term. Sometimes it is just too hard to keep up with it all! I have been studying like crazy this week in order to raise my grades before end of term. I know this is going to make me sound like a complete nerd, but I try really hard to get good grades. When I have all A's and 1 A-, it pretty much kills me. This year the pressure is even higher with grades counting towards our college education. It is weird to think that even though we are so far away from college right now, the choices and actions we make now will affect us for the rest of our lives. I realized that I need to make sure I am doing my best, because what happens now could effect my future!
Sunday, October 17, 2010
The joy that comes from procrastinating!
verb (used with object)
2. to put off till another day or time; defer; delay.
This is the lovely definition of procrastinating! This word, procrastinate, is used very much in my daily life. I love using this word! (sarcasm intended) I often procrastinate, for example, I procrastinated reading my book for this class. I read all day today, and am going to be reading like crazy to finish it in time. I think a lot of us have problems with procrastinating things. We often "forget" or just say "Oh, I can do that later." I think we all need to try harder to do things early, or before, instead of later. I definitely learned my lesson of procrastinating.
verb (used with object)
2. to put off till another day or time; defer; delay.
This is the lovely definition of procrastinating! This word, procrastinate, is used very much in my daily life. I love using this word! (sarcasm intended) I often procrastinate, for example, I procrastinated reading my book for this class. I read all day today, and am going to be reading like crazy to finish it in time. I think a lot of us have problems with procrastinating things. We often "forget" or just say "Oh, I can do that later." I think we all need to try harder to do things early, or before, instead of later. I definitely learned my lesson of procrastinating.
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Well first of all lets talk about the concert on Wednsday night. It was going pretty well I think until Concert Choir (9th graders) came on stage and ruined everything. We were singing our song and started to mess up a ton, so Miner stopped us in the middle of our song and had as start again. It was really embarrassing, and most of us were just laughing cause we knew that was going to happen. After the concert was over I hung out with some friends and it ended up being a pretty fun night. Thursday was okay, I cleaned my room and got all my crap that was laying around organized. After I was done cleaning, my mom took me and my friend to the Gateway so we could look around. I hate going "window shopping." Really, what is the point of that? You just go look at clothes that you really want, and can't buy them. Even though we couldn't really buy anything, we still enjoyed our adventure at the gateway. Yesterday and today haven't been really exciting. Yesterday I stayed home, babysat, went to dinner, and then went to a friends house to watch a show. It was fun, but I felt like I had "wasted" my day, and I hate feeling like you haven't accomplished anything. I'm not really sure what is going to happen today, but I'm hoping it's something fun to end my UEA weekend with!
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
An eventful weekend!
This weekend is supposed to be super fun and exciting with UEA and everything, but I'm not going anywhere! Everyone is going on vacation, or doing something fun, but what do I get to do? Oh yes...thats right, I get to stay home. Lucky me:) Tomorrow is going to be just great as well! We have our first choir concert and we don't even know our songs very well! The thing that is going to be interesting about the concert is the fact that there is a Layton football game at the same time as our concert at Layton High. The parking is going to be crazy, and everyone is going to be wishing they were either at the Layton game , or at the Davis game. The funny thing is that I'm kind of looking forward to the concert. I think it will be fun to hang out with all of my friends and sing our hearts out! haha;) I'm really tired of going to the football games anyway so I wouldn't mind going to the last half hour, or even missing the game. Even though I'm not going anywhere this weekend, I hope it is still fun and exciting!
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Without music life would be a mistake. ~Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche
Music expresses feeling and thought, without language;
it was below and before speech, and it is above and beyond all words.
~Robert G. Ingersoll
What do you think about when you read this quote? When I read this quote, It reminded me a lot of how I feel when I listen or play music. Music has been a big part of our world for a long time. We learn to express ourselves through music, instruments, and singing. It seems like everyone plays some kind of an instrument these days which is very good. Music can change our personalities and can make us smarter people. Like it says in the quote, "Music is beyond all words." I really do think that you can say things through music that are too hard to say in person.
I don't think most of us realize how much our lives revolve around music. We listen to it on the radio, our iPods, and some of us, play it daily. Music is a huge part of our lives, and I think it is really cool that it is so important. Most of our schools now have music classes or choir classes, even if you don't play an instrument, you are still involved, and learning about music.
Another thing I think of is the lyrics in the songs. People have done such a good job in making lyrics relatable and telling stories through their songs. Most songs are about relationships or love, which some of us can't relate to, but they still make it so you want to listen to it all the time. Songs vary so much that it is impossible to hate music. There has to be at least one genre of music that you could stand to listen to. There is Pop, Country, Rap, Hip-Hop, Classical, Children, Alternative, Jazz, Singer/Songwriter etc. Music is used in so many ways as well. You may sing at church, or dance to music, or even just listen to relax. I love using music to dance to.
This is probably one of the main reasons why I listen to music so much. I love dancing to the beat of the music and just letting go. It feels so good to turn on a song and dance! Dancing to music is a very good way to express yourself, and your personality. Even if you can't dance, you can still do it for fun to let out your extra energy..if you have any:) haha...Some people may never get to experience what music can do to you. If you want to know how it feels to have music be part of your life, listen to it more often, or tell your parents you want to learn an instrument.
A lot of us that do have the opportunity to play don't use it very well. I know that I haven't fully used my opportunity to play the piano. I have been playing the piano since I was 7 or 8 but have never really practiced or done what I've supposed to do. Now I regret not practicing and trying harder to learn new songs. If I would have tried harder, I would probably be a much better piano player now. Even though its hard to wake up and go to lessons before school, I am so glad I have the opportunity a lot of people in our world don't have. I am trying harder to practice more often and become a better piano player so one day, I can pull out a song and play it.
it was below and before speech, and it is above and beyond all words.
~Robert G. Ingersoll
What do you think about when you read this quote? When I read this quote, It reminded me a lot of how I feel when I listen or play music. Music has been a big part of our world for a long time. We learn to express ourselves through music, instruments, and singing. It seems like everyone plays some kind of an instrument these days which is very good. Music can change our personalities and can make us smarter people. Like it says in the quote, "Music is beyond all words." I really do think that you can say things through music that are too hard to say in person.
I don't think most of us realize how much our lives revolve around music. We listen to it on the radio, our iPods, and some of us, play it daily. Music is a huge part of our lives, and I think it is really cool that it is so important. Most of our schools now have music classes or choir classes, even if you don't play an instrument, you are still involved, and learning about music.
Another thing I think of is the lyrics in the songs. People have done such a good job in making lyrics relatable and telling stories through their songs. Most songs are about relationships or love, which some of us can't relate to, but they still make it so you want to listen to it all the time. Songs vary so much that it is impossible to hate music. There has to be at least one genre of music that you could stand to listen to. There is Pop, Country, Rap, Hip-Hop, Classical, Children, Alternative, Jazz, Singer/Songwriter etc. Music is used in so many ways as well. You may sing at church, or dance to music, or even just listen to relax. I love using music to dance to.
This is probably one of the main reasons why I listen to music so much. I love dancing to the beat of the music and just letting go. It feels so good to turn on a song and dance! Dancing to music is a very good way to express yourself, and your personality. Even if you can't dance, you can still do it for fun to let out your extra energy..if you have any:) haha...Some people may never get to experience what music can do to you. If you want to know how it feels to have music be part of your life, listen to it more often, or tell your parents you want to learn an instrument.
A lot of us that do have the opportunity to play don't use it very well. I know that I haven't fully used my opportunity to play the piano. I have been playing the piano since I was 7 or 8 but have never really practiced or done what I've supposed to do. Now I regret not practicing and trying harder to learn new songs. If I would have tried harder, I would probably be a much better piano player now. Even though its hard to wake up and go to lessons before school, I am so glad I have the opportunity a lot of people in our world don't have. I am trying harder to practice more often and become a better piano player so one day, I can pull out a song and play it.
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Babysitting is just GREAT!...Brothers chasing screaming sisters, food mishaps, and much more! The worst is brothers that won't listen to you! Yesterday when I was babysitting, I forgot to defrost the rolls so I could make mini pizzas with them. It was already about 5:00 and I couldn't let them sit out for 4 hours, so I followed the instructions for the fast way, and put them in the oven at 200 degrees with a pan of water underneath. I let them rise for about a hour in the oven, and I thought that my plan would work, but when I took them out of the oven and tried to stretch one out, it immediately broke into pieces. I figured at this point I could just make rolls to eat, so I put the rolls back into the oven and turned the oven to 350 degrees. I started to make mac and cheese, which was pretty successful (except for the fact that I had to borrow butter from my neighbor). I went to look at the rolls, and they were solid as a rock! So that ended in a failure, but at least next time I will remember to let them sit out and rise, instead of trying to make them rise in the oven. Last but not least- when you see your 10 and 12 year old brothers chasing your 3 and 5 year old sisters with rubber bands, and launching the rubber bands at your sisters, you know that something is definitely wrong! Oh, and don't bother to tell them to stop, because (quote) "You are not my mom!..I'm not going to listen to you." This is pretty much a day normal day of babysitting! :)
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