Halloween is a pretty weird holiday! I mean really, you go around asking people for candy dressed like an idiot. I don't really know what the point of halloween is, but I guess it can be pretty fun sometimes. When I was younger I enjoyed halloween a lot more than I do now. Me and my family would dress up together and be some sort of theme. One year we were the Scooby Doo clan, and another year we were the people off The Lord of the Rings. We had fun buying costumes, wearing wigs, and most of all getting candy. I would try to get as much candy as possible whenever I would head out to go trick or treating. I would usually fill up my pillow case around half full, and it would last me for a LONG time. Our family parties were pretty fun too. We had chili, treats, and would put dry ice in our drink (that was in a cauldron) to make it look like steam was coming out of it. All of our extended family would come over dressed up, and we would have tons of fun!
As the years go by though, life gets harder and it is sometimes to complicated to do everything. Its hard to get together in my family because of the amount of grandchildren we have. There are SO many kids, and they get tired and restless very quickly. Part of the reason is because now that I am older I would rather just go hang out with friends on halloween. This year my family isn't really doing a party, which works out for me because now I can go party with friends! I'm not sure if I'm going to dress up or not because it isn't as fun to do it now. It's funny how when you get older things get less exciting. For example, when you are older you don't really want to dress up or go trick or treating, you know that santa isn't real, so christmas isn't quite as exciting, you know that there isn't an easter bunny, etc. Holidays are still way fun, but they are never going to be the same as they were when we were little kids.
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