The first week of 2011 was great! I have been able to do a lot of fun things even though school has been kind of stressful. 1st semester ends this friday and I cannot believe it! Half of our 9th grade year is over! It is going by so fast! Now I want to make sure I am making the most of it and enjoying my 9th grade year. I've been slowly trying to start my New Years resolutions I made a week ago. I probably could've done better this week, but I'm just going to try harder until I fulfill my goals! This week is going to be pretty hectic with homework, so I am not really looking forward to it very much. But what I'm not looking forward to at all is next semester. I guess all of my fun electives were all put on the same semester, because next semester I have gym and computer tech. I'm hoping that I can make the most out of it, and learn to have fun by having a good attitude. It's going to be hard, but hopefully I can make it fun!
Yesterday I got to do something pretty fun! If you've read my blog before, you might have seen the post on the So You Think You Can Dance Workshop I went to a couple months ago. This is where people from the T.V. show come and teach you dances all day. There was another one yesterday with different dancers from the show. It was SO much fun!! I got to go with one of my best friends, and we learned so many cool things. The dancers that come are amazing, so it makes you want to try harder to be a better dancer. This kind of helped me to refresh so I can go back to dance tomorrow motivated to do better. What I love about the workshops is how much they challenge you. They teach you a dance in 1 hour, and then all you want to do is kill it! You have 60 girls around you that are all trying to do their best, which makes you want to try even harder. After each class we were sweating bullets because of our hard work. It was great to know that you were giving it 110% and doing the best that you could. Sometimes dance can be frustrating since so much is asked of you. They ask you to spin around multiple times, dance on your toes, be flexible, have high jumps, have good technique, and be dedicated to it. It is hard when the person next to you is doing something you've tried hard to do, but just can't get. Something that is hard for me in dance are turns. Ever since I started dance I've just had a hard time with them. Everyday I try my hardest, but it seems like I'm never going to get them. After the workshop I thought about how hard I worked, and even though some of the dances were hard, by the end of the day I could do them pretty well. Now I know that sometimes you might be working hard, but you also have to have determination in order to do something.
Anyway, I was so grateful for this weekend because I learned so much, and grew as a dancer. I love having opportunities to go and do things that challenge me, and make me better.
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