Sunday, February 6, 2011

I love technology....

I just thought I would dedicate this lovely little entry to an experience I had earlier today. I previously spent many hours trying to understand the book "A Tale of Two Cities" and had finally said "I understand It." It took a while for that line to come out of my mouth, but once it did, I felt very good. The process of coming to understand the book consisted of many sticky notes, and help from other resources. My book is now covered in sticky notes that will stay there until I turn in my book. Soon after finishing my reading, I started writing a lovely post on my discussion board that I felt very proud of. I probably spent a good 20-30 minutes on it, contemplating and making sure it was close to being accurate. As I finished typing that last wonderful line, my hand wandered to some key on the keyboard I never knew even existed. Why would they ever make a key that exits you out of a page you are working on? I don't know why they did invent that key, but they did, and I hit it. I kept hitting the back button, and refresh button trying to retrieve the words I had spent so much effort in typing, but it was too late. I went and told my parents hoping that they could fix my problem, but I didn't think that would be possible. My dad came over too see if maybe by some miracle he could get the page back, but my lovely little brother had completely logged out of my account on the computer, and was now playing a brainwashing game. This was how my lovely Sunday morning came to a start! :)

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