Sunday, April 10, 2011

13.1 Already?

These are the lovely 12 miles I ran last Saturday!

As I looked at the 12 week training schedule I thought that it would never end, and that my body would fail me before I ever finished. We started with week one, taking it one step at a time. I wasn't sure if I could get used to running 4 times a week, but as the weeks passed, it slowly started to get easier. Most of you probably know that a training schedule consists of a "plan" which contains how many miles you are supposed to run every day. The miles get higher and higher every week, slowly increasing your stamina and strength. Most of the time it doesn't feel like you are improving because of the increasing miles, but I just changed some of the words to my friend Dory's song and said to myself "Just keep running, just keep running, What do we do?.. We just keep running!" It's hard to get up before school every other day to run 5-6 miles, but I always feel better on the days I get up and exercise. Running before school means less time to get ready, less time to eat, and results in very hectic mornings. I am always running out the door late with a piece of toast in my hand. No matter how hard I try, I always get to school 5 minutes late. Hopefully my 1st and 5th period teachers don't hate me too badly! But through this whole experience, I have actually come to like running. It is amazing to think that 2 months ago I could barely run 2 miles and last Saturday I ran 12. I am proud of myself for sticking to my goal of training for a half marathon, and now I just have to run through the finish line at the Salt Lake City Half Marathon this Saturday!

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