Saturday, May 7, 2011

Singapore: A Model City

The strict laws of Singapore have resulted in a smooth-running society, which impresses many. I think that Singapore is a Model City because the government offers more help then harm. The city of Singapore is always well kept, it provides children with good educations, and also provides employment. The strong government of Singapore tries to run the city in the best direction possible, and with only good intentions for their people.

Singapore is a Model City because of the way they maintain a well-kept environment for the people living there. The streets are squeaky clean, and lined with trees and flowerbeds. They have plenty of taxis, modern expressways, and also their newly built subway, which is available so there is never traffic, especially among the disciplined drivers. There are never any homeless people because of their huge apartment complexes, so don’t expect to see beggars on the streets. Singapore is one of the cleanest, safest places in our world today, allowing you to stroll the streets late at night with no fear. America today would not receive this same description because we are not under strict laws. We have become accustomed to littering, and trashing our streets, which is not okay. We need to discipline ourselves more, so we will have a better environment to live in as well. Not only do Singapore’s strict laws affect the adults, but also their children.

The children of Singapore have a school-system, which is patterned after the Japanese. They have examinations before hand to divide them into schools that will be the best for their learning abilities. The students who do well on the examinations are put into a “superschool” which prepares them for the university and their careers. The other students who don’t do as well on their core subjects are put into technical and vocational schools. The students are taught very well, and have a lot expected of them. They are required to know English, because it is the first language within the educational system. They are challenging their students, and helping them to achieve the most they possibly can through their school-systems. With their great educations, they are pretty much insured a job.

These people have some of the highest living standards in Asia, beside from the Japanese. Their unemployment rate is only 5%, which is a pretty insignificant amount. They have about the same amount of income as the United States, and are pretty well off in their living conditions. Most of the people living in Singapore can afford their own home, or a comfortable apartment. The government has a social security system, which makes workers pay, but also provides them with many benefits. They have many health care benefits, it allows them to borrow money for the purchase of a home, and also insures them retirement at only age 55. In the US, people cannot retire until at least the age of 62. Living in Singapore pretty much guarantees you a happy live, and one without many financial trials.

I believe that Singapore is a Model City because the government helps more than it harms. They demonstrate a clean environment daily, provide good educations to their students, and also provide employment for the adults living there. They only have what is best for their people in mind, and want to show their example around the world. I don’t believe that we need to follow Singapore 100%, but there are many things we can learn from them. If we followed in the steps of Singapore, our world would be a much happier place because it would be under control. Our people would act appropriately, and we would have a clean and organized environment to live in. There would be a lot more order to the way things worked, and overall, we would be safer and happier living in a place like Singapore.

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