Saturday, October 16, 2010


Well first of all lets talk about the concert on Wednsday night. It was going pretty well I think until Concert Choir (9th graders) came on stage and ruined everything. We were singing our song and started to mess up a ton, so Miner stopped us in the middle of our song and had as start again. It was really embarrassing, and most of us were just laughing cause we knew that was going to happen. After the concert was over I hung out with some friends and it ended up being a pretty fun night. Thursday was okay, I cleaned my room and got all my crap that was laying around organized. After I was done cleaning, my mom took me and my friend to the Gateway so we could look around. I hate going "window shopping." Really, what is the point of that? You just go look at clothes that you really want, and can't buy them. Even though we couldn't really buy anything, we still enjoyed our adventure at the gateway. Yesterday and today haven't been really exciting. Yesterday I stayed home, babysat, went to dinner, and then went to a friends house to watch a show. It was fun, but I felt like I had "wasted" my day, and I hate feeling like you haven't accomplished anything. I'm not really sure what is going to happen today, but I'm hoping it's something fun to end my UEA weekend with!

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